Interview Questions

First of all, welcome to my blog interview! I hope to be able to spread the word about your book(s) to all of my readers!

 #1 Tell me a little about yourself! Where do you live (be vague if you're not comfortable being specific), do you have a "real" job, do you have any children/pets, and so on?

#2 Tell me about your latest book. What inspired you to write it? Where did you get the ideas for your plot and characters?

#3 When did your book come out, and where can readers find it?

#4 What distinguishes your book/plot/characters from others? Don't give away any spoilers, but what's the "hook" that will draw the readers to your book?

#5 What would you like your readers to take away from your book? What emotions and thoughts do you hope to invoke?

#6 Are you planning a sequel, or another book?

#7 What genre do you place your book in?

#8 How did you publish? Are you independent or do you have a publisher? How did you decide to publish?

#9 What's your marketing plan? Do you use social media to help you? Do you have any ideas for marketing that you'd like to share?

#10 Are you a member of any writing/reading groups (i.e. Shelfari, Goodreads, Scribophile, etc)?

#11 What other links would you like me to post (author page, website, Facebook, Twitter handle, etc.)?

 #12 Do you give permission for me to contact you when new releases are due out?
Don't forget to leave your email address if you send your answers through this page! Otherwise, I won't be able to let you know when it's posted!

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! I'll send you an email with a link to my blog post that you can share on all your social media networks, and I'll be sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, reddit, and place a link in the "news" section of my website. I hope it helps! Feel free to copy and paste the questions into an email and send them and your answers to me here .

 Something I forgot to mention! ***Your email address will be absolutely sacred to me!!*** I won't sell it or otherwise give it to anyone besides myself. If you'd like me to contact you periodically when I have new releases out, I can do that if you give permission. Otherwise, you'll only receive the email with my blog post link.

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